Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Episode 5 Write-Up!

Seasons Greetings, FireGold fanatics!  It's been quite a while since the last episode.  I thank you all for your patience.  With that, let's begin with Episode 5.

Some of you may have noticed that the title of this episode is a reference to The Misfits' song "American Psycho."  Since we used that psycho theme quite a bit in this episode, we thought that would be the best title since you heard us having trouble coming up with one in the bloopers.  We begin the episode with Fat Guy once again intruding in the introduction.  Since DM warned him to stop last episode, this was the last straw.  AC came back to his rightful place as Narrator and read the intro while DM seemingly beat the snot out of Fat Guy.  Gold hopes that he will not see the Tipster Nerd again.  Wishful thinking on his part.  After Gold ignores his phone and receives the voicemail from Elm, he is informed that his Assistant is at the Purple- I mean, Violet City Poke Center with the egg.  For those who couldn't clearly hear what Elm said, he said the following in this order:  "How do I work this thing?  Oh, Professor Elm."  "Hello, Gold?  I really need to talk to you about an urgent favor.  I will not stop calling until you answer your dang phone!"  "Ah, Gold, finally!  We've discovered something about the egg.  Visit my assistant at Violet City's Poke Center for further information."  Elm's Assistant really has a knack for holding grudges for the simplest things.  From there, we present the debut of BUM DH as someone you probably didn't expect him to play, Nurse Joy.  We had Gold go up that path up North only to find the Sudowoodo blocking his way to both Goldenrod City and Ecruteak City.  Even poking it Symphony of Destruction style didn't phase it so he's advised to go down Route 32 so he could get past it later on.  After mistakenly assuming a PRZCUREBERRY is for curing poison, Gold comes across the Miracle Seed Guy next to the grass on Route 32.  For some reason, DM had him sound like that girl who always corrected him whenever he mispronounced a city name, which prompted BUM DH to come up with that line leading to psycho.  BUM DH came up with the idea for using psycho in all the instances you hear it on the same day we recorded the episode.  Some funny shtuff on his part.  Since Gold hated the idea of going through more grass, he decides to simply sprint his way through it.  He suddenly stopped to find that Picnicker Liz was having relationship issues.  She gives him her number but when she says that she wants Gold to buy her stuff for them to be in a relationship, he quickly changes his mind and keeps sprinting.  He trips on a wild Mareep's tail and pays the price.  It was pretty funny that it sounded like DM said "RAPE" listening back on it.  When Gold hits the ground after he passes out, Quilava and Hoothoot drag him to the nearest Poke Center.  Gold encounters the Slowpoketail Salesman before he finally makes his way into the Union Cave.  He begins the battle with the first Hiker in the cave to find that he has nothing to easily beat a rock-type.  He calls Elm again and Elm somehow knows that Faulkner gives TM31 as a bonus for defeating him.  Here's what Elm says if you had trouble hearing it:  "Gold, did the egg hatch already?"  "Well, have you beaten Faulkner yet?"  "Use TM31 that teaches Mud-Slap.  Teach it to your Hoothoot and that'll be super-effective against rock-types."  "Now Gold, only call me if the egg hatches.  All right?"  He gets past the first Hiker and does well against the second until he hits a wall when his Hoothoot is owned by the remaining Geodude.  After one flame attack isn't very effective against said Geodude, Gold screws the rules again and has Quilava use both its flames to take down Geodude.  He then comes up to the first Firebreather spinning around and Gold successfully avoids him.  Then, the creepy Pokemaniac goes off on an OCD Pokemon craze fest and creeps us all out.  Gold then battles the second Firebreather and oh, what a surprise.  Gold screws the rules AGAIN by having Quilava use both his flames and Ember all in the same turn.  Good thing he was in a cave or otherwise that would've had him disquali-  oh, who am I kidding?  Gold gets away with anything he wants because he's that awesome!  In fact, he's so awesome, he avoids another spinning person at the end of the episode.  Poor Fat Guy.  I guess he had to learn to not intervene in the introduction the hard way.

That about does it for this write-up!  Hope you all have a great whatever day you're celebrating this season and I'll blog to you all again very soon!