Saturday, May 31, 2014

Episodes 19 & 20 Write-Ups and Anniversary Update!

Hey, everyone!  PAPAYA here, back once again to give you the write-ups of the latest two installments of FireGold!  Hard to believe we've completed 20 episodes right before our 3 Year Anniversary.  Thank you all again for listening throughout all the insanity!  Now, onto business.

Episode 19 picks up right where 18 left off with Gold going on a massive password scavenger hunt.  He encounters all the Rocket Grunts and Scientists that we encountered back in the Gen 2 days and easily defeats them all.  Could those Rockets been more of a pushover for Gold?  Thanks to a random table, his mind immediately goes into Cinnabar Volcano Burger mode.  Thought it was a good time to bring back that old gag from the first episode upon seeing the table there while writing the script.  Gold eventually gets both passwords and finds the door that leads to the Rocket Executive's room.  Before he gets in the room, Silver appears out of nowhere to annoy himself for even approaching Gold to begin with!  This probably means we shall get another Silver Monologue Adventure really soon!  All depends on DM.  Could this Rocket Executive have had more pathetic Pokemon?  Wow, you talk about the pushover of pushovers.  This is precisely why I implemented a laugh track after he introduced each of his Pokemon into battle.  From there, a talking Murkrow gives Gold the Password of Passwords!

For the 20th episode, it needed to go straight into the action.  Gold runs a long way back to the main door he needed to open all along.  After overcoming memory loss, Gold succeeds but runs into another Grunt and Executive.  Nanananananana...Lanceman...returns!  While Lance takes care of the useless Grunt guy, Gold battles the female Executive, voiced by Arch Canine.  At least she had slightly better Pokemon than the previous Grunts.  Heavy emphasis on the "slightly."  After a revealing of Team Rocket's not-so-sinister plot, Lance and Gold infiltrate the inner sanctum of the Hideout and find the machine supported by 6 Electrodes.  I remember playing the games back then and always getting hit with stupid Self Destruct by all the Electrodes.  Annoying as hell, I had Gold experience the same thing, only simultaneously!  Gold comes out of the Hideout mystery a hero...but without Cinnabar Volcano Burgers.  Will he ever eat some of his favorite meal again?!  Only time will tell.  For this PokeCenter healing gag, I had to shake things up a bit.  After a bit of brainstorming, I came up with Gold telling a lie about a bomb only to find that he now needs a passcode to heal his Pokemon!  I originally planned to include a buzzer sound effect when Gold guessed wrong but when DM came in with the voice, I believed it was the funnier option.  How did Nurse Joy end up choosing Gold's least favorite number of 101 as the passcode?  Conspiracy much?!  Gold then heads to the Gym only to find Carl still there playing the latest installment of Pokemon games.  After destroying his 3DS, Gold has enough and blast-kicks Carl into the next region!  Surprisingly, we didn't mess up that much while recording this episode, hence the lack of bloopers.

Now, onto the updates!  FireGold's 3rd Year Anniversary is coming up fast on June 24!  We have something planned for you all this year, a new podcast endeavor!  More details on that will be revealed as we approach the Anniversary.  That's NOT all!  We also want to give you guys an opportunity to do what our loyal follower, Mongo, did last year.  It's another way for us to thank you for listening throughout these 3 years!  Anybody, give us any ideas you have for a separate special involving any character from FireGold you'd like!  It can even be an entire script outline!  Whatever comes to mind for you, inform us of your ideas in one of the following 3 ways:

1.  In the comment section below!
2.  Our email at!
3.  Our Facebook wall or through private message!

We look forward to your responses!  Oh yeah, by the way.  The deadline is Saturday, June 14, 2014!  That's right!  You have TWO weeks!

And, si!  That's all for now.  Until next time, blog you all later!