Sunday, May 13, 2012

Awesome News!

Hey, there, FireGold fanatics!  PAPAYA here, and it's been quite a while, perhaps a bit too long.  Now that it is finals week (for me at least) and the semester is nearly over, I bring forth to you some news!

We are hoping to have a new episode or two up for you all before our one-year anniversary on June 24.  Once DM and Arch Canine finish their semester one week after I do, we hope to record some new material soon thereafter.  As for the anniversary date itself, we have something planned for it and it's currently in the works right now!  We also want to do one more thing for our anniversary but we can't seem to figure out what.  That's where you come in!  If you all have something you'd want for us to do (another video game battle, a Q&A, an audio recap of our first year, etc.), be sure to let us know in the comments below!

Now, onto something else that is very awesome.  If any of you are Invader ZIM fans and you have not heard of InvaderCON, it is exactly what it sound like.  It's a convention, entirely devoted to the almighty Invader ZIM series!  It'll be in Los Angeles, CA, (specifically Torrence, CA) on July 28-29 (Sat. and Sun.).  The voice actors of ZIM, GIR, Dib, and Gaz will be there, as well as one of the writers, artists, and post producers.  And, to make it all even more awesome, the creator of Invader ZIM himself, Jhonen Vasquez, will also be there (was not there last year in Atlanta at the inaugural event)! What does this have to do with us?  Well, as of this moment, I, PAPAYA, will be attending this convention!  No word yet on the others but, if that changes, we'll be sure to let you all know!  So, if you can and want to meet me and enjoy some Invader ZIM madness along with me and many others from different states, all the important information is in that little link below.  CLICK ON IT NOW, YOU FILTHY HUMANS!

InvaderCON Official Site

And, that's all for now!  Until next time, fanatics, take care and we'll see you...or talk to character...very soon!


1 comment:

  1. YESSSS IT'S A WAVE OF FIREGOLD AND RED SQUIRTLE AWESOMENESS THIS MONTH!!! Also I would love to see/hear a audio recap of the series and maybe some sort of extra episode. Como se dice, another Episode S of some sort?
