Saturday, April 18, 2015

Episode 23 Write-Up! And MOAR!

Hello, everyone!  PAPAYA here, back once again for another post!  If you didn't know already, Episode 23 is out!  Apologies once again for the delay.  With that, let's get right to it.

Fun fact:  This episode was done in ONE TAKE!  Very few errors took place while recording this episode, hence the lack of bloopers at the end.  I believe this is the only time Draftmaster actually did well saying his lines!  As you might have expected, the episode begins right where Episode 22 left off.  Gold has little trouble disposing of the Impostor Guy and his army of Koffings.  I still get a kick out of Teddy's idea to have the whiny employee from the Goldenrod Department Store be the Impostor in the Radio Tower.  From there, we poke fun at the little things you witness in Goldenrod, from the train not coming in to the Name Rater.  It was actually Draftmaster's idea to rename Typhlosion "Tommy Oliver."  No idea why, but we figured, "Why not?!"  Hence, the title of the episode.  Eventually, Gold finds his way to the Underground and finds his good friend, Violet the random B*tch again!  I thought this would be a good time to have her reappear since we could have her just standing behind the door that requires the Basement Key.  After Gold unleashes a proverbial can of whoop ass on Violet, he finds out that he indeed was not hallucinating at the Station as Silver appears again!  It was quite fun to put together Typhlosion's little Mighty Morphin segment with the 8 bit Power Rangers theme in the background.  Will Silver EVER pose even a SLIGHT threat to our hero?!  Time will tell.  Actually, no.  I will tell you.  Nope, probably not!

UPDATES!  As I type this out, I have not written the next episodes out yet.  Right now, I plan to remain focused on the last few weeks of my college semester and then we'll go from there.  I'm going to predict that we at FireGold, Inc. will meet up again at some point in late May.  Rest assured, we still plan to do a GoldCast talking about Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire!  Speaking of which, that podcast will now be found exclusively on the YouTube channel.  Also, there will most likely be at least one new FireGold episode out before the 4 year anniversary this coming June 24th!  I'm also thinking of doing some new things for the YouTube channel.  May be game related, since I have a video capture card.  I'll be sure to update you guys as we go along!

And yes, that's about it!  Until next time, blog you all later!


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