Hello, all! PAPAYA back once again for another blog post! There's a lot going on here at FireGold, Inc as of late. So, without any further ado, let's get right into it!
First off, we'd like to thank you all once again for listening and supporting the Pokemon FireGold podcast for the past 3 years! We've had a lot of fun writing, recording, editing, and posting these first 20 episodes for you. We are excited to continue on for quite some time! As for the special itself, we ultimately decided to go with a similar route as last year's with a twist. Instead of Gold being kidnapped while playing Nintendo 64, he ends up getting knocked out by his ceiling fan after a sudden earthquake! From there, he hallucinates the first events of the Gen 6 adventure. An aftershock hits and end hallucination! It was quite a blast recording this one, as evident in the bloopers. We hope you enjoyed the special as much as we did.
Speaking of Gen 6, I segue to a BIG announcement! We have decided to concoct a brand new podcast endeavor called GoldCast! In this GoldCast, we will be shooting the breeze on a plethora of topics. Pokemon, music, movies, TV shows, comic books, video games, and much more will be discussed at a moment's notice! Episodes will be solo (one person), tag team (2 people), triple threat (3 people), and roundtable (all 4 of us) discussions! You can also expect special guests accompanying the FireGold members on random occasions! We've opened up another podcast feed for GoldCast on PodOmatic due to limited storage space remaining on the FireGold feed. The GoldCast feed is found on that url below!
Feel free to download episodes there! I shall announce whether or not GoldCast was accepted at iTunes for downloading episodes on our Facebook and Twitter pages when the news becomes available. Be sure to follow us on both pages if you haven't already! Also, just like all FireGold episodes, all GoldCast episodes will be posted on our YouTube channel!
Our first GoldCast discussion is up on the GoldCast PodOmatic feed and the YouTube channel NOW! The first topic is none other than the Generation 6 games. Will we all agree on Gen 6? Some opinions discussed may surprise you. Enjoy! And remember: It's all subjective!
GoldCast #1:
And, yes! That's about it for now! Until next time, blog ya all later!
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